Redirects from to the DIRECT URL
- eq or batshoppe - DIRECT - Monster, EQ, Room Info, Reinc Simulator
- wiki or milk - DIRECT - Batwiki, Sales search, Expmakers
- moonlord - DIRECT - weapon compare list, wizard list
- dest - DIRECT - dest/disintegrate monster list
- jeskko or gmap - DIRECT - BatMAP using Google Maps
- ggrtf - DIRECT - GgrTF scriptset for TinyFugue
- ggrmaps - DIRECT - Ggr’s maps of the realm
- tazliel - DIRECT - Aelena, Kharim, Bard, Nergal and MORE!
- hair - DIRECT - Arms Lore, Ship Calculator, EQ Sets, Scripts for TF & Batclient, plus more
- thelo - DIRECT - Thelo’s Batmud diary
Hosted DNS
- nepos- Newbie guild information and explore guides
Hosted Sites
- Tarken’s - Tarken’s ZMud trigs, formerly SSmud’s trigs
- Nuane’s - Nuane’s ZMud trigs and logs
- Dryad’s - Dryad’s massive information site, a few page missing
Send a message to Ganvar in BatMUD.